Acupuncture (Chinese herbal medicine) Doreen is a Chinese originated type of treatment that employs the insertion of needles at varying depths into an individual’s skin on deliberately selected areas to provide pain and symptomatic relief as well as long standing health issues.
Throughout the world even in the sphere of western medicine, acupuncture is being incorporated to help varying women health concerns:
- Pregnancy and Postpartum
Many women face pregnancy related lower back pain, pelvic discomfort, morning sickness, lack of breast milk supply after birth, low blood count and postpartum depression. Acupuncture treatments has helped to alleviate many of these discomforts.
- Menstruation and Hormonal Challenges
The use of acupuncture encourages freer blood flow which in turn helps to minimize or remove the cramps and other pains related to menstrual cycles.
- Infertility
Seeing that acupuncture treatments Doreen encourage blood flow in the female’s body it helps to motivate the body naturally to direct the right flow of blood to the reproductive organ to reset menstrual cycles and cause fertility that was being blocked.
4.Menopausal Symptoms
Acupuncture treatment is popular for relieving menopause related symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal atrophy, night related sweats, heart rate fluctuations, sleep irregularities and other hormonal imbalance issues.
- Endometriosis
The same strategy of restoring blood flow throughout the body and towards the reproductive organs assists with lessening the appearance of heavy bleeding, and other endometriosis related symptoms – this can also be achieved by Shiatsu Massage Therapy Doreen.
- Skin Health
The nature of acupuncture and chiropractic care Doreen is to generate blood flow helps to relieve and lessen wrinkles and overall face inflammation.
- Fibromyalgia
Acupuncture is known for its pain reducing ability thus making it able to be of great assistance in reducing fibromyalgia related challenges that many women experience.
8) Mental Health
Acupuncture and a local naturopath near Doreen is very helpful in alleviating the symptoms related to anxiety and depression that women face daily as a result of mental ill health.